• Optimizing efficiency and performance in fired heaters
  • Specializing in thermography services for the petrochemical industry

  • Has developed state-of-the-art methodologies for diagnosing fired heaters

  • We measure accurate tube temperatures

  • And we do much more than that. (We do not replace thermocouples; Thermocouples can never replace what we do; Thermocouples are active all the time, but can only give readings from single spots; Thermography gives information about the whole furnace interior)

Figure 1. The thermal balance of a furnace. Energy from fuel is put in, the process fluid gains some of the heat andthe rest is lost through the furnace wall and the exhaust.

  • It is necessary to understand how the furnace works (Problems and their sources and patterns)
  • We have developed methods and knowledge to do a real diagnosis

  • Balanced heating (Making sure the heat is applied evenly in the whole furnace; prevents damage and lost production)

  • Baseline (Enables comparison with a known condition, improves analysis)

  • Look at the whole furnace, not just the tubes.

Figure 2, FLIR GF309, 24º lens

Fig 3: The extender provides a wider field of view, which enables to “see” more tubes and a moreaccurate temperature measurement through the peephole

Figure 4 , example of coking

Figure 5, giraffe neck signature, sign of coking

Figure 6, sign of mild local coking

Fig 7.1 Different Color pallets, Same spot and time

Fig 7.2 Different Color pallets, Same spot and time

Fig 8 Example of coking

Figure 9, Some Burners are off and some are partly blocked.This causes a disturbed convection behavior in the reformer

Figure 10, Most of the burners burn evenly. Some show a more divergent burning pattern, which seems to be dueto an excess of primary fuel

Figure 11, Burners low and off

Electrical Thermography Inspection Services
  • We provide electrical thermography services for Switch Gear, Service Disconnects, Transfer Switches, Bus Runs, Motor Control Centers, Breaker Panels, Starters, chillers and Roof top HVAC Equipment, VFD’s
  • It makes it possible to conduct electrical thermal imaging surveys with no intrusion.
  • Reduce Unscheduled downtime
  • It assures safety by detecting electrical problems in good time and avoiding fires caused by overloaded circuits or faulty wiring

Noise Survey

Noise survey is conducted in areas where noise exposure is likely to be hazardous. Noise level refers to the level of sound. A noise survey involves measuring noise level at selected locations throughout an entire plant or sections to identify noisy areas. This is usually done with a sound level meter (SLM).